quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2015

The Process: IN THE SKIN (The Bulgarian Doom) - Tsvetana e Tulio Falcão

This s the end of my musical experiences here in Berlin!


The fisrt time that i heard this song, Tsvetana was playing in an acustic guitar in the park near her house!
It was like something strong, the riff, the lyrics and the melancolic way she`s singing. I watched days ago a video of her project called Bernard Handsome,
and i really really like it!! And after we finished the first song, i invited her to record her new composition!
It will be a challenge! and she accepted!!

We recorded the voices in her house!

I was really confused what to do with this music. The deal with Tsvetana is that it could be destroyed to create a new atmosphere, but not a pop song!
And i was in a emocional hangover! "Why i can´t stay here in Berlin? Why i must to come back to Hellcife?"
I was thinking in things like this and it was a very bad kind of energy to create something good for this song. Then, i invite Tulio Falcão!
A friend that plays with me in several bands and have a real conection with the dark harmonies and heavy stuffs!
I send to him only the main voices of Tsvetana, and then he could do what he want it. He made some eletronic interferences!
What a fucking surprise!!
After 2 days tryng to quiet my head, and have nice time with other bulgarians, i started to record some guitars but it was no sounding good yet!
I still blocked.
Then i try to use some objects to create the atmosphere in this sound.

I used little Metal ball, that i put inside a saucepan.

and some little metal pieces in a plastic bag.
At the end, i put the microphone inside of this bag and is that you hear in a strong bass part.

It was really a nice experience!
Thanks Tsvetana and Tulio Falcão!


quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015

Grilowsky / Leiner - Guitar Session

Olha ai, minha gente!!
Já no bandcamp o incrível Guitar Session! Realizado em parceria com a guitarrista Laura Leiner (Músicas Intermináveis pra Viagem) gravado numa tacada só utilizando Zoom H1 e Zoom H4. Muito feliz com o resultado e com a participação de Laura neste projeto! Jazzy danks!!

Hey Ho, folks. Guitar Session in bandcamp with my partner Laura Leiner. Recorded in a jam using Zoom H1 e Zoom H4.
Too much happy with this project and thanks Laura to share with me this amazing experience!!

Pra conhecer mais o trabalho de LauraL., acesse o bandcamp

terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2015

Video - SHow em Berlin - Grilowsky e LauraL. no Noiseberg

Segue agora o video da performance de lançamento do disco em Berlin!

Another song is coming... Mais uma musica saindo...

Monday was an especial and happy day with magic flowers!
New record sessions with the voice and lyrics of this talent: Tsvetana. The closet is open because we put the microfone protected with "the socks" to extract a fucking reverb, and it works!!
Thanks e hails to Tsvetana to share this experience with me! 
Hey ho, woman!! Good trip to Bulgaria and i hope to see you soon!! peace, love and health! Eternal Jazzy!!

Segunda foi um dia muito especial e feliz com flores mágicas.
Mais uma sessão para gravar uma música da talentosa Tsvetana
O armário está aberto pois tiramos tudo de lá e colocamos o microfone dentro protegido por "the socks"pra pegar um reverbe doideira...
e ficou massa!!

quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015



especial guest on track 2: Tsvetana

Berliner Session - Grilowsky
#1_Landen in einem fremden, seltsamen Land
#2_Hejj Ejj Aboio Blues feat Tsvetana
#3_Stimmen von zerbrochenem Leben
#4_ Zum Goldenen Hahn Gehen

Recorded by Grilo 
Radio Frei Damião Mobile Studio
with Zoom H1, Mini Sony, Fender Squire, Big Muff, V-Amp FX,

Vox Amp, Fender Amp, Xingling Mini Amp and Mic

Headphones Numark, AKG, Schum
Audacity e Wave Lab 7.

Photos: Grilo
Cover Art: Daniela Brilhante

Vielen Dank an: Tamino, Laura Leiner, Tsvetana Gugutkova, Renata Faccenda & Daniela Brilhante.
Summer 2015 – Berlin

label: Radio Frei Damião

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2015

Recording - Berlin

Produção intensa em Berlin
musica nova, direto de berlin e ares dos balcãs da bulgaria :)

The socks

Domingo tem show